Sunday, December 13, 2015

On November 13, 2015, the U.S. experienced the deadliest terrorist attack since since 9/11, after 14 people were killed in San Bernadino by Syed Farook and his "wife" Tashfeen Malik. Seeing this as the LAST STRAW since the Paris Massacre, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took his most aggressively anti-Muslim stance to date by calling for Muslims to be barred from entry into the United States. The United States has millions of Muslims but anti-Muslim sentiment has become increasingly common in public discourse. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** YouGov/HuffPost’s latest research reveals that most Americans have been TAUGHT LESSONS BY ISLAM to give an unfavorable opinion of Islam. 58% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Islam, and just over a third (35%) state that they have developed over time, a ‘very unfavorable’ opinion of the religion. Only 17% of Americans view it positively. Democrats (27%) are the most likely to have a favorable opinion of Islam, but even they tend to say that they view Islam negatively. Among independents (58%) and Republicans (75%) most people have a negative view of Islam. Americans in general dislike Islam. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** Under-30s (45%), esp. busy career people who are low-information voters, are the least likely to have unfavorable opinions of Islam, but 65% of over-65s view Islam unfavorably because of numerous attacks they have read about worldwide and stateside. So, is Trump expressing the real American “values”? Even Judge Judy with her own website and Patrick Buchanan, of, has a tough time to explain the weird and odd hypocrisy in the GOP Establishment’s unhinged response to Trumps’ call: TRUMP calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration “until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on,” is just Donald Trump saying THE OBVIOUS! It did ignit a firestorm of historic proportions from DUMB A$$e$ who have IGNORED the massacres, the background checks that failed to find out that Tashfeen Malik's MIND had been RUINED, or just influenced to make her HOMICIDAL and SUICIDAL -- with Islamic extremist propaganda. As all the old worn-out LIBERAL hate words — xenophobe, racist, bigot — have lost their electric charge from overuse, and Trump was being called a fascist demagogue and compared to Hitler and Mussolini. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** The GOP Establishment seemed to have become unhinged but this is only the latest RASH BS TO TRY TO DUMP TRUMP. The GOP Establishment is HELL BENT ON LOSING. Their sick, twisted little minds are OUT TO LUNCH! That's why the hysteria! Here comes the reply that Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration HAS SOMEHOW trampled all over “American values” and everything we stand for, including the Constitution. If they were not throwing everything at the wall trying to MAKE something STICK, they would see how STUPID and HARD-DEADED they are being! ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** But is this CROCK 'O' DUNG really true? The Constitution protects freedom of religion for U.S. citizens. But citizens of foreign lands have no constitutional right to migrate. And federal law gives a president broad powers in deciding who comes and who does not, especially in wartime. In 1924, Congress restricted immigration from Asia, reduced the numbers coming from southern and Central Europe, and produced a 40-year moratorium on most immigration into the United States. Its authors and President Coolidge wanted ours to remain a nation whose primary religious and ethnic ties were to Europe, not Africa or Asia. Under FDR, Truman and JFK, this was the law of the land. Did this represent 40 years of fascism? ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** Why might Trump want a moratorium on Muslim immigration, OUTSIDE OF COMMON SENSE? Reason one: terrorism. The 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, as were the shoe and underwear bombers on those planes, the Fort Hood shooter, the Times Square bomber and the San Bernardino killers. And as San Bernardino showed again, Islamist terrorists are exploiting our liberal immigration policies to come here and kill us. Thus, a pause, a timeout on immigration from Muslim countries, until we fix the problem, would seem to be simple common sense. Second, Muslims are clearly more susceptible to the siren call of terrorism, and more likely to be radicalized on the Internet and in mosques than are Christians at church or Jews at synagogue. Which is why we monitor mosques more closely than cathedrals. Third, according to Harvard’s late Samuel Huntington, a “clash of civilizations” is coming between the West and the Islamic world. Other scholars somberly concur. But if such a conflict is in the cards, how many more millions of devout Muslims do we want inside the gates? Set aside al-Qaeida, ISIS and their sympathizers. Among the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide are untold millions of followers of the Prophet who pray for the coming of a day when sharia is universally trampling the lives and liberty of the infidels, i.e., everyone else, who is not either converted or subjugated. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** In nations where Muslims are already huge majorities, where are the Jews? Where have all the Christians gone? They LEFT for a better land such as the USA, which as a refuge is going fast because of STUPID POLITICIANS like John Boehner and Obama. With ethnic and sectarian wars raging in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Libya, Nigeria and Somalia, why would we bring into our own country people from all sides of these murderous conflicts? Many European nations — Germans, French, Swedes, Brits — appear to regret having thrown open their doors to immigrants and refugees from the Islamic world, who have now formed unassimilated clusters and enclaves inside their countries. Ought we not explore why, before we continue down this road? In some countries of the Muslim world, Americans who embrace “Hollywood values” regarding abortion, adultery and homosexuality, can get their heads chopped off as quickly as converts to Christianity. In what Muslim countries does Earl Warren’s interpretation of the First Amendment — about any and all religious presence being banned in public schools and all religions being treated equally — apply? When is the next “Crusade for Christ” coming to Saudi Arabia? Japan has no immigration from the Muslim world, nor does Israel, which declares itself a Jewish state. Are they also fascistic? President Obama and the guilt-besotted West often bawl their apologies for the horrors of the Crusades that liberated Jerusalem. Anyone heard Muslim rulers lately apologizing for Saladin, who butchered Christians to take Jerusalem back, or for Suleiman the Magnificent, who conquered the Christian Balkans rampaging through Hungary all the way to the gates of Vienna? ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** Trump’s surge in December of 2015, in the VERY FACE of universal denunciation, suggests that a large slice of America agrees with his COMMON SENSE PRONOUNCEMENT — that our political-media establishment is dumb as a box of rocks and leading Americans down a path to national suicide, while GREASING THE SKIDS. Trump’s success ANNOUNCES LOUDLY that the American people really do not celebrate “globalization.” Americans KNOW our negotiators got snookered out of the most magnificent industrial machine ever built, which once guaranteed our workers the highest standard of living on earth. They don’t want open borders or mass immigration. They want people here illegally to be DEPORTED, the borders secured with a FENCE TO AT LEAST SLOW DOWN ILLEGALS, and a moratorium imposed on Muslim immigration until AMERICA can fix the broken system. As for the establishment, they are saying pretty much what The Donald is saying. To paraphrase Oliver Cromwell’s speech to the Rump Parliament: You have sat here too long for any good you have done here. In the name of God, go! * * * And now that confiscation situation... ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** Even as the international news reporting of the Great Cyprus (Island) Bank Robbery (Confiscation) of late March and April,2013, worsens, the latest happenings being the country’s corrupt finance minister Michael Sarris saying that as much as 80% of “large” bank deposits can be confiscated (1), Americans should be on the alert to copycat moves by our feral (wild, uncontrolled) government and bankers. All the more because the American Left are applauding the theft of Cypriots’ bank savings................................................... Apparently Tyler Durden, anonymous blogger of ZeroHedge (5) gives us dire warnings that when bankrupt insolvent governments “run out of fingers to plug the dikes,” history repeatedly reveals that they refer back to a very limited playbook........................ Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog has enumerated 8 steps in the playbook of bankrupt governments:...................... 1. Direct confiscation: As Cyprus showed us, bankrupt governments are quite happy to plunder people’s bank accounts, especially if it’s a wealthy minority. Does the shortage of skyscraper-tall buildings in Cypress crimp the style of "debt collectors/vengence seekers" who leave hi-rise offices at about the same time some errant banker commits suicide? Rather messy but if that factor is lacking there is generally no shortage of busses, trains, and whatnoyt to facilitate "collection" or consequence. How does a financial manager explain that "the government" swooped down one fine day and "disappeared" all that stashed USSR cash? Aside from bank levies, though, this also includes things like seizing retirement accounts as in Argentina (3)(4), increases in civil asset forfeiture as in United States, and gold criminalization......................................................... 2. Taxes are just another form of confiscation to "spread the wealth", since taxation plunders the hard work and talent of the citizenry and is a powerful dis-incentive. "The more I MAKE, the MORE THEY TAKE! So forget the overtime, boss." Nevertheless decades of brainwashing have made heavy taxes more socially acceptable. The general population sees taxes as a ‘necessary evil,’ unaware that the U.S.A. existed for decades, even centuries counting under British colonial rule, without an income tax. BUT When bankrupt governments get desperate enough FOR CASH, they begin dreaming up new taxes… mostly WEALTH taxes as in Argentina or windfall profits taxes like in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. Gulf opened some eyes when it was credited with 100% profits that greedy government had already saw coming and arranged windfall taxes to reap. This gunning for Gulf profits and oil in general, may have contributed to the merger.................................................................................................. Many even recall that from the 1900s to the 1980s Gulf Oil, one of the "Seven Sisters" then forced into merger with Standard Oil of California (SOCAL), with both re-branding as Chevron in the USA. Exit all the Gulf signs perhaps to international destinations for the Hinduja Group, which later bought out Houghton International for American lubricants and chemicals(7). It is said that the first indications Gulf was to lose "Sisterhood" were when T. Boone Pickens, an Amarillo, Texas oilman and corporate raider or greenmailer, and owner of Mesa Petroleum, began with a low ball offer, which escalated.(6) The whole "enchilada" was said to be the "New Economy". 3. Inflation constitutes an indirect confiscation with its slow, gradual looting of people’s hard-earned, tax-remnants savings toward retirement and "rainy day" money. Governments have been very successful at indoctrinating a publically-held belief that inflation is a necessary evil. Governments are also proficient at deluding the citizens with phony inflation statistics since they can accidentally leave out "little things" like paying triple for fuel..................................................................... 4. Governments have the ability to, accomplish, and will restrict the free-flow of capital across borders doing capital controls. Governments will stop you from moving your own money to a safer jurisdiction, forcing you to keep your hard earned savings at home where the same governments can plunder and devalue the savings. History tells us that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, darling of the Left, declared a banking holiday after his election to freeze withdrawals with federal auditing then government regulation.(10) Part and parcel of the low-and no-interest modern-day 21st century gambit is "OOPS we here at Respectable Bank and Loan put on a Maintenance Fee that accidentally reduced your already scrawny, miniscule interest to 5 cents on your thousands of dollars! But keep your voice down so the other customers don't get alarmed!" People note these bank "shenanigans" and financial "gambits" everywhere in the developed world… from withdrawal limits in Europe to the preponderance of cash-sniffing dogs at border checkpoints. You move that cash, you LOSE that cash! After all, if you have a few THOUSAND DOLLARS on your person, YOU MIGHT BE A DRUG DEALER so that gets confiscated. Notice also that bank deposits over $10,000 are considered suspicious and MUST be reported to the Federal authorities in the United States. And it is aggravatingly unhelpful when everyone from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to Nobel laureate Paul Krugman voice favoritism of capital controls(9). 5. Wage and price controls become "just and necessary" when even the lowest common denominator proverbial man-in-the-street realizes that prices are getting higher, governments step in and ‘fix’ things by mandating price controls. Sometimes this also includes wage controls, but wage increases are "accidentally" outrun by price increases. Then as any basic economics textbook illustrates, price controls never work and the consequences are shortages and huge misallocations of "stuff" such a drug shortages from price controls(8). 6. When the initial first session of price controls FAIL, the next step is to impose severe penalties for not abiding by the terms of the wage and price controls. This ENLARGEMENT is like wage and price controls on STEROIDS. In the time of Diocletian’s Edict or De pretiis rerum venalium, on food and goods prices in the 4th century AD, any Roman caught violating the price controls was put to death. (11) In After-the Revolution France, shopkeepers who violated the “Law of Maximum” were fleeced of their private property… and a national KGB style, IRS reward style spy system was put into place to enforce the measures.(12) 7. American Industry is subject to increased regulation on surviving companies after other socialistic ploys to reap more taxes and fines. A thoroughly bankrupt government can and will double or even triple federal employment in a last move to bury the economy's crisis by sheer hugeness. In the early 1920s, for example, the number of bureaucratic officials in the German Weimar Republic increased by more than double, even though the country was beyond broke from its World War I reparation payments and hyperinflation money-printing frenzy. The new regulations and new government officials seeking areas of "work" then have to criminalize and/or controls almost every aspect of our lives… from what we can/cannot eat, drink, and smoke to parenting our own children. Hillary Rodham is already a pioneer from her Arkansas days as first former lady of then Governor Bill Clinton, later her book,"It Takes a Village" described how government should raise the citizens' children for the "good" of all the citizens!...................................... 8. The use of war and national emergency works when other gambits and schemes all fail(13), so INVADE another country. Follow the North Korean "Mouse That Roared" Strategy of attacking a "rich but indebted" country, sacrificing some "extra" population you cannot feed anyway, and "VIOLA" you can unload REFUGEES on the country YOU attacked AND the "VICTOR" country has to RE-BUILD YOUR North Korean "War-Torn" Economy AND GIVE YOU LOTS OF MONEY AND AID. Poor things picked a fight, they could not win or NOT SUPPOSED TO WIN in the case of Vietnam. Keep people distracted by working them into a frenzy by vicious attackers…GOING AFTER SOUTH KOREA, sinking their ships VICIOUSLY. US will amass at NK and SK border instead of breaking out the atomic cannon and smoking the entire line of Nork or North Korean troops. Obama cannot pass up a chance to get mean ol' military ranks decimated in a useless blood-letting. As an extra bonus, the radioactive border would discourage any more Nork invasion. BTW, the British also developed an atomic cannon they did not use either. Let's borrow some of those... But these are GOOD ideas...and not politically correct so let's do the stupid way like always. Sensible moves like "smoking 10,000 NORKS per shot" do not get our soldiers killed needlessly AND atomic cannon would save money we do not have, that can and should be wasted. 9. The media will back Obama, whatever Tom Fool decision he makes. They are pro-war when it comes to Democrats. We are STILL wasting money in Iraq, still losing Amricans there and in what's ONE MORE FRONT?...Mainly Lame Stream media is a vital tool of keeping citizens voting Democratic...almost as important as the keeping the citizens voting Democratic! GOP likes to pretend they don't pick candidates years ahead of time, but what you see proves otherwise. To wit, you would think Geoege W. Bush, being educated and clever...whatever...would at least groom someone as a replacement in 2008. Aww contrary! Bush saw NO need because 1) it was Democrats turn.2) Everybody thinks I'm (Bush) such a STINKER...ANYBODY I pick is gonna be so satan-ized, demonized and NOBODY wants what Dan Quail got...whoever would be that masochistic would LOSE anyway. 3) Democrats have their candidate already lined up. 4) Why should I care...the public will get what they deserve...for not liking ME! And letting ME be the media's whipping boy all these years. Now they accuse ME of being NO GOOD because I disappointed all the conservatives by being so GOSH DARNED LIBERAL, they were DISGUSTED! ME, I'm just coasting out of here...trying to give them what they want...hey..they didn't want free and cheap prescription drugs but by GOLLY, I promised it so down yer throat they get crammed!" 5) not MY job...the "Bosses" have a good loser or two all lined up...and THAT SUCKER knows his job is to LOSE! 2008 probable Scenario: Bush: "Hello, John...didn't see you approach...Oh Mitt wants it too...he best wait so he can lose to an incumbent. NOBODY can throw this race like you, MACKY...Out of the blue, just declare your undying, faithful LOVE for Ruth Bader Ginsberg and THAT'S your OMG moment...when the GOP base BARFS and says...What a TURD!I'm staying home, I can't vote for Johnny Mack...he just declared himself a walking, talking TURD! etc etc etc..." hear some people talk you'd think Manchuria was running a candidate in the US election, but that's impossible...etc.etc,etc. Some guy LOVES Vietnam, wants most Favored Nation status...hugs commie guards/torturers like long-lost brothers,etc,etc,etc. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6),9171,925474-1,00.html (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) 9/11, Banks, Economy, European Union, Liberals/Democrats/Left, Military, Police state, Taxes, United States and tagged big government, capital controls, Confiscation, Cyprus bank levy, government regulations, inflation, Michael Sarris, national emergency, Paul Krugman, Simon Black, taxes, Thomas Jefferson, wage and price controls, war